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The word prefix itself contains the prefix pre. The hyphen is often used in. Keep in mind many rules only apply in certain circumstances and that this list of rules is far from complete. In that case, since a misreading is unlikely, the hyphen is unnecessary. I work in a building full of accountants; they use a decimal point and zeroes, not a dash. I have re-covered the sofa twice. White, with a walk-in closet. Remember not to use spaces around hyphens. Hyphenating the prefix changes the meaning of the sentence. Hyphens Between Words Rule 1. When are we going? What might be the correct format?

In punctuation, it is used in certain word combinations, where its usage may depend on word order in the sentence. In spelling, it is used as an essential part of the word itself see hyphen in spelling. The hyphen generally serves to link words or part of words together, signaling the relatedness between the linked parts. Using it may attract some disagreement among writers, as there are often different opinions on hyphen usage. Hyphen Usages in Punctuation 1. In some cases, it is clear which words modify and which ones are modified, while in other cases it is not. A hyphen is needed in such cases where ambiguity may arise. Do use a hyphen only when the compound is inherently spelled with hyphens, as shown in a reliable dictionary. Higgins is a part-time lecturer who teaches under-graduate courses on up-to-date topics. Higgins teaches part time at the under graduate level on topics that are up to date. Our software is your best solution as it is all-in-one. The army general offered a brilliantly-thought-out plan. Never rely on his hastily-written-down notes. He presented a well-researched report. Thousands attended the funeral of the much-loved teacher. Beware of fast-talking salespeople. Yes: This is a better-fitting shoe, The higher-ranked participants went to the finals. No: These are the least important issues today, The more promising students got a scholarship. Read this section if you are still using a typewriter or have to adhere to certain type-set requirements that make it impossible to avoid such breaks. Some amusing word-breaks have been noted in print media, such as the-rapist, men-swear, or mans-laughter. To avoid such embarrassing or other unclear word-breaks, follow the rules below. Consult a dictionary that indicates syllable division within a word. As dictionaries of US and UK English differ on this point, be consistent in style. No: ful-lest, furnit-ure, referr-ing Yes: full-est, furni-ture, refer-ring Note: The following three rules are not compulsory but highly recommended. No: bin-go, are-as, prose-cute Yes: bingo, areas, prosecute 3. However, do not overuse the hyphen in this role. If the repeated word comes last in the compound, write the full compound at the end, and hyphens in the earlier combinations. The company-initiated and -sponsored events must be attended by all employees. The Hyphen: Summing it up This has been our review on the hyphen in punctuation.

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